I have always been a skeptic of online strategies to make money, except if it's a web design client, but there are times even that seems to be too good to be true. I'm not an expert, I'm not a marketer, I'm a web designer/blogger/photography enthusiast but if you are looking for some easy online money making machines I could name a few.
1.Google's Adsense (a bit tricky, but the pay outs good and it's stable)
2.Offering your services online (writing, graphic design, audio compositions, translations... the list goes on)
3.Affiliate programs (also tricky)
4.Kontera (I'm using this here, haven't made anything yet)
5.Paid to click (easy)
6.In-stream advertising platform (easy)
Now I would like to introduce you to the last two, "Paid to Click" and "In-stream advertising platform" because earning a few bucks shouldn't be complicated.
Let's face it investing and putting up a business is very complicated, but saving money you find on the street then put it aside in a piggy bank or a glass jar until it reaches a certain amount, that's easy right? Now imagine you find money on the street regularly everyday, nothing big but still on a regular basis, and you go out on the street everyday right? Might as well pick it up, right?
My defense mechanism about online money makers starts with.
1. Do i need to make a cashout?
2. Does the registration process seems like it's trying to collect an in-depth personal history information? (financial etc... etc...)
And last but not the least.
3. What do I have to do?
Let's start with Paid to Click.
The only paid to click ads scheme I signed up for because someone I know who was more of a skeptic than me told me he just made $2 on this (he even has a Paypal payout screenshot to prove it), it's not much I know, and it took him 2 months to get it. I wanted to sign up for old times sake, he is a really cool guy, so I went back to my defense mechanism list.
1. Do i need to make a cash-out?
Apparently not, I don't need to buy anything to sign up.
2. Does the registration process seems like it's trying to collect an in-depth personal history information? (financial etc... etc...)
Well aside from emails to confirm your existence the rest are just a breeze of personal information. (Name, age, stuff you put when you sign up for social networking sites)
And last but not the least.
3. What do I have to do? I'm lazy, and if it's boring I wont do it.
All it takes is at least 5 mins of your time online (hmmmn, 5 minutes), who doesn't have an extra 5 mins of internet time. I'm on Facebook and I spend about 15 - 30 minutes playing Zynga's Mafia Wars. 5 minutes is all it takes? So I'm in!
It's so easy all you have to do is go to this (http://www.neobux.com/?r=xzykho) link, sign up to get started. You don't need to pay anything or buy anything just go there register and everything is self explanatory.
There are also other ways to increase your earnings aside from clicking ads every day.
You can rent referrals - that means you will pay a minimal fee of $0.75 for 3 other people to click with you for 30 days thus multiplying your daily earnings. (This is optional, it's entirely up to you)
You can get direct referrals - this are people you get to register with you and you don't need to pay them. (How you get people to register is also up to you)
So in a way the more referrals you have either direct or rented means more cash for you. So go ahead spend five minutes a day to make some easy money.
You can cash out with a minimum earning of $2 which is the lowest cash out amount I have seen around. And you can choose from 3 payment options, like Paypal, Alertpay or Neteller
Ok, now what is In-stream advertising platform?
I'm fairly new to this and I've just joined, but of course I used my defense mechs to weigh out things.
This one is actually for those who wants to make money with their Twitter accounts.
It's called Ad.ly
What is Ad.ly?
Ad.ly is an in-stream advertising platform that matches top-tier Twitter publishers with top-tier brands.
Ad.ly enables Twitter publishers to make money from the content they produce on Twitter by sending one tweet every day from advertisers that they approve. In order to ensure authenticity, every Ad.ly tweet is explicitly approved by the Twitter publisher.
They pay you $0.12 per Twit ad and they also have a referral scheme that would give you 12% of each of your referrals earnings.
Another sample of referral graphics -
Go right ahead and try this simple money making schemes, you might enjoy them and it wouldn't cost you more than 5 minutes of your internet time per day.
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