Thursday, August 31, 2006

September is here

I can't believe August went by so fast, I was only able to post one entry aside from this one, but I will try to make up for it before this day is over... There's a lot happening around us, there is that oil spill in Guimaras which I find really frustrating, we have laws to prevent these things from happening but no one seems interested to implement them. The dirty politics with it's selfish politicians, the not news worthy stories on the tube and papers and all that (stupid) JAZZ.

"8 million stories in the naked city" the Emmy's has come and gone, one of my favorite t.v. shows "24" piled up on awards. HBO (Asia) has a new series "Entourage" which I really find very entertaining. Big production with lots of cameo's, good story, excellent script, great actors, the works. I always believe that if you don't find success in your lifetime at least try to know someone successful whose got your back. This latest feel good show from HBO is all about that, friendships, enjoying life and staying true to who you are. That has always been my personal goal, but sometimes there are other variables that prevent me from reaching that goal and no matter how hard I try my life is not going to be like feel good movies. But at least we can always go to our favorite video store and purchase the latest box set and enjoy a movie marathon of our choice.

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