Thursday, February 07, 2008

Sluggish, Squirmish, Slime

To celebrate my updated header, I need to write something today but I can't think of anything interesting that would commemorate this exciting day. I find my creative juices flowing when I'm sad but I'm nowhere near my melancholic self, not that life has shined on me I'm kinda drifting to nowhere slowly. Its like being in a dream where your mind tells you that you're running real fast but you're not getting anywhere and you wake up exhausted. I accepted a promotion at work a few months ago that would require me to be responsible for a few graphic designers with a very high profile account and be transferred to the graveyard shift, I thought that it would somehow ease my financial problems but the management put a fast one on me so now I totally lost all interest with my work in general.

On the lighter side of life the Chinese New Year has come and gone, "Kung Hei Fat Choi" to all our Chinese friends out there and welcome to the year of the Earth Rat, leave it to the Chinese to find our infamous rodents and sometimes a symbol of disease and plagues very human, they say that people born in an Earth Rat are said to be logical realists, shrewd, charming, ambitious, and inventive. If only people could learn from this and use these qualities to make life better and peaceful. The world is not getting along and it's getting tiresome.

Famous people born in the Year of the Rat : Charlotte Bronte, Truman Capote, Catherine I, Prince Charles, Sasha Cohen, Eminem, Peter the Great, Mata Hari, Scarlett Johansson, Wolfgang Mozart, Plato, William Shakespeare, Leo Tolstoy, George Washington (source:

On a more personal note my high school batch is stirring up some old dust to prepare for our first grand reunion since we graduated in the summer of 1990. Although I am not that excited to see old familiar faces for undetermined reasons I am interested to see where this is all going. Kudos to the unofficial committee headed by my friends Mrs. Cecilia Garcia-Andool and Jay "Botong" Isidro. Nice work guys.

It's funny how life deals us with some very high highs, and some very low lows, it makes life interesting and worth living but only when you're looking back and reminiscing, usually when you're having so much fun you tend to overlook being thankful for all the blessings you are enjoying and then you never think about it when you're dealing with the worst time of your life, all you do is complain and feel sorry for yourself and alone in your misery. Maybe that's the reason why we have this mediocre moments when nothing really good or bad is happening to you. But you should always be prepared because it's a vicious cycle and you'll be riding this roller coaster of life as long as you're breathing and your mind is filled with hopes and dreams. So don't mind our dear old friend misery when it comes to hangout, it will always be seeking your company because you are the only one who could make it into something else.

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