Monday, April 10, 2006

To Whom It May Concern,

I have been a friendster since June of 2004, I find it entertaining and a great way to hook up with old friends or find a new acquaintance every now and then. That being said I would like to take this opportunity to thank the team behind the scenes at for doing an excellent job, for allowing us the freedom to express our individuality through friendster profile's customizable features. With these custom features we are inspired and given the ability to share our ideas and creativity for designing web pages. Recently I've noticed a growing number of friendsters who misuses this feature, "unintentionally" (I hope...). Their disregard for theme, harmony and color coordination simply cannot be overlooked. They fill their pages with blinking or scrolling backgrounds and if thats not enough they combine these effects to their hearts content.

One of my favorite feature in customizing profiles is the ability to share your favorite videos, movies and funny commercial ad clips, some friendsters feel the need to have more than one media player, I'm sorry but this really escapes my understanding.

I'm an advocate for the freedom to express yourself, a firm believer that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, I did not write this letter to show my superiority to those with limited resources or experience to come up with an original and balanced design. I'm not trying to preach, I am only trying to exercise my right to have a personal opinion. I need to share my disappointment to those who are willing to listen, imagine that you're trying to browse the contents of a particular friendster profile that catches your interest but instead of devouring information you end up getting dizzy and nauseated by unnecessary and overwhelming add-ons. If you're reading this and somehow find it even remotely offensive please forgive me, but if by a twist of fate this letter inspires you to do better then I will be grateful and will be looking forward to visit your pages again.

Friendster is one of those unique places on the web where people are enabled to have a wider reach by extending their network of friends, it allows us to keep in touch with friends from our past no matter the distance, it helps us discover new things about different cultures. And if you feel that you're not responsible for your actions when you alienate people from knowing more about you then why did you even bother signing up for an account?

You can either ignore this or learn from it, after all, this is just one of my personal issues...


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