Monday, July 31, 2006

The Journal of a Xzykho

At Sea

A long time ago (well, not that long) when I was still in the merchant marine, my mother wrote me a letter telling me that "Experience is the best teacher, and traveling was a great experience". These words somehow gave me a new outlook at the chance I was given traveling the world on board ships. At first it was all work for me, and it did not make any sense whatsoever that I had to leave everything that is familiar and comfortable just to earn a living. But witnessing the sun rise and set on a calm open sea where the sky meets the deep blue makes you realize the magic of being alive, whenever dolphins swim playfully alongside our ships I know that I will never be alone no matter where I am, and when the ocean shows its ugly head every so-often with her troubling storm tantrums I am reminded of how short and precious our stay in this world really is.

During those long months I spent away from home I started to write a journal of my thoughts and experiences, an idea given to me by my sister one day when I was on leave. Inside were manifested drafts of ideas, hopes, dreams and fears of a younger self that I sometimes fail to recognize now whenever I see my own image. After my last tour I put my journal away and totally forgot about it until a few days ago, I was scouring my treasured junk collection for some old cables for my image scanner when I chanced upon my keeper of thoughts. I could not remember when I had it last and what I have written inside is pretty vague by now. So I started reading the first pages and like a flash flood during a heavy downpour the memories came crashing in.

It was overwhelming to relive a decade of my life in one sitting, there are times when I can't help but smile remembering the feelings that I felt at a particular point in time, and then there were those disturbing passages that's so confusing that I feel so lucky to be here writing this all down for all those who care enough to share it with me.

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