Friday, September 26, 2008

A beautiful mind and a restless soul...

Serendipity brought you to me, I've never felt so lucky before our paths crossed
I wasn't even looking, yet there you were and I was never the same after
Like rain to end a drought you drenched me with a feeling of being whole,
giving me wings to soar, and explore the life that I thought was already complete.

You think too much and it drives you and the people around you insane
yet I find it interesting how you contradict everything, even your own thoughts.
But on a good day you overwhelm me with your generosity and your understanding,
you spread happiness like a rash and your smile can slow down time to a halt.

When you dream you dream big and I look forward to every adventure that I let you
drag me in to, even when your dreams make my life a nightmare there's no place I'd rather be.
You give me strength to be a better person, and you're the only one who can make a monster
out of me, but without you there wouldn't be any reason for me to feel happiness or sadness.

You are the one, my dearest one, the last piece of my puzzle,
you are my thorn as well as my crown, you can't have one without the other.
you cause unimaginable pain, and the most glorious experience I've ever known
I will always love your beautiful mind... and take long walks with your restless soul...

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