Thursday, June 29, 2006

The Language of Sycamores

I'm not an avid fan of books that deals with our humanity, I'm more of a fictional, conspiracy, mystery, occult/fantasy kind of a reader. I like to escape to places I've never been or will never have a chance to go to. Where the never ending ascent of gasoline, commodities and political garbage is the least of my problems. But from time to time I stumble upon literary gems far from the genre I have grown to appreciate that is worth sharing.
"The Language of Sycamores" by Lisa Wingate is the third installment of the book series "Tending Roses". It follows Karen Sommerfield as she goes through a life changing experience after finding out from her doctor that she may have cancer (again) and losing her "Power Job" at Lansing Tech. When Karen tries to rediscover herself and renew her ties with her family she met a little girl named Dell who rescued her from her old self and allowed her to discover the real story behind Grandma Rose's fallout with her own family. Lisa Wingate is a good story teller, she gives vivid descriptions of the environment, (I swear I could feel the wind blowing). The book reminds me of a quote sent to me by Kyko Castaneda that I posted on my other blog "Writings on the Wall". Life is too short, if we don't take our time to find out what's really important in our lives we may end up old and miserable. Sometimes I reminisce about the good old days of my youth like it was just yesterday... Then I think maybe it was, and I ask myself "where did the time go?". I definitely recommend this book to all those who keeps waking up in the morning wondering "what am I doing with my life?", those who stare at their mirror reflection and not recognize their own image, those who are so immersed in themselves that they forget to be a part of the magic that is life. "Live life each day to the fullest, be thankful, be content".

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